
Hello dear readers, Today I am going to share with you the backstory of how this blog's address/domain name was created. Do you know my favorite color? You might have guessed from the title. It's lavender. I was planning to name my blog address after this color and I tried lavendergirl, but it was already taken. Disappointed, I tried lavendercloset. Sorry, taken! lavenderclothes? lavendershoes? lavenderlavender? Nope, already taken. Then I typed lavendermallika, nope. lavendermallik? Hahaha, nope! malli, mall, mal? Ok, the site allowed me to use lavendermal. It sounded so tacky, like what does lavendermal even mean? But I was so exasperated by that time, I was ready to settle for any name like or sillyfulwors.fjs or whatever. Hence, my blog was forever doomed to bear the name lavendermal. Ewww! The only upside to this is that it rhymes with lavendergirl, the name I had originally planned. It is the right time to te...