The Golden Boot

This Christmas, Primark, a European fast fashion retailer, launched a replica of gorgeous Yves Saint Laurent boots. And being a budget fashion chain, Primark sold them in an extremely affordable price. One can only dream about owning haute couture and designer blings, unless they are Hollywood celebrities or very well off. Hence, I decided to make do with this gorgeous alternative (as if I had any other choice :p) Despite my initial dubiety about parading them around in the dusty streets of Kathmandu and my general dislike for heels, they turned out to be surprisingly comfortable and were a definite eye-turner. For this post, I decided to keep them as the center of attention, with minimal clothing and accessories. I wore a slit tunic with this denim jacket and a simple pair of black trousers for a fuss-free look. Here are the pictures: This is not a bracelet, it's a crystal stone necklace, which beautifully balanced the texture of the denim jacket....