Well-Dressed Sloth

Hello after a long time, dear readers! I haven't created a post since the last one and a half months, the reasons for which are not really relevant to mention here. As all those reasons add up to one thing: laziness. So, for lack of a better word, you can call me a sloth. Despite the disinclination to exert myself for other things, I am never ever dressed shabbily. hence the title for this post. So, what makes an outfit really stand out? Labels that call out the name of big brands? No! Clean and well structured clothes, the confidence to carry them off and of course, a little bit of love. After all, love is the only thing that makes the world go round. For this post, I combined a white shirt (pink borders, so cute) with black comfortable culottes and ankle boots. And flaunted his shirt above that, which looked cool. How do you like it? Lastly, a quote by John Mark Green, " And if love be madness, may I never find sanity again " :D ...