My Best Friend's Wedding

The best kind of friendships are fierce lady friendships where you aggressively believe in each other, defend each other, and think the other deserves the world. These are not my words, just something I read off the internet, yet somehow it struck a chord. I am one of the few lucky ones to have that above mentioned kind of friendship. When me and my best friend met during the first year of our university (she was studying Optometry, me Public health), we both had weird negative opinions about each other. I thought that she was harsh and authoritarian, she thought that I was vain and ditzy (both were sorely mistaken). But as time passed by, we were inseparable. I cannot describe in a few lines about all the silly, fun, weird, lovely things we have done together for the last 5 years. Therefore 18th of June was a happy-sad kinda day for me, as she got married. Because she who deserves only the best, found the love of her life to cherish forever. And for me, she was the mos...