
Harry Potter fans are called potterheads, but I am not a potterhead. I am a pottermind, potterbody and pottersoul. So, you can only imagine my ecstasy when I received a pair of gorgeous "Harry Potter" converse shoes from my coolest bro, which I will treasure forever and ever. A sweater dress seemed perfect for these shoes, so I opted for my favorite green one. And another sweater on top instantly turned up the heat in this cold, cold weather. Just a regular pair of stockings instead of pants and cute earrings (from my cool bro, again) accessorized the look minimally. How do you like the pairing? You will need to forgive my lateness this month. I swear I won't quit blogging, no matter how many excuses I can come up with. So, After all this time? Always.... Maroon Sweater: ATMOSPHERE Green Sweater dress, stockings: Local Store "Harry Potter" converse: Primark, Amsterdam Black wallet: MRP Earrings: Local ma...