Nothing posh....

Hi guys, Hope this post finds you in good health, wealth and happiness. If not, well we should keep trying, shouldn't we? Well, I'm officially a job holder now, so I'm officially done with my unemployment rants. But employment is not at all pretty as it is made out to be. Fatigue welcomes you every evening after office and you wish you were unemployed again. What an irony! So, after a week of joining office, me and my sister and our friends went for a mini weekend getaway. Well, basically my sister took me with them out of pity for my work loaded mind. We went to Chitlang, Makwanpur, which is just outside of Kathmandu. Only 3 hours bike ride from Pharping! The scenic beauty of Chitlang stole our hearts. Since I directly went from the office on Friday evening I wore whatever I had decided to wear that morning (luckily nice, to become a post). So, if you find the outfit a little boring, forgive me. I chose a simple black tank, and a green outer to cover it (since...